the glove compartment is inaccurately named

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

homegirl drop it like the nasdaq

kettle corn! that's a fun-time snack!

i gave up on pretty much anything that the terms "rap" or "hip-hop" can be applied to a while ago, with a few notable exceptions (j.cole, blakroc, probably kanye west too - i'm a white guy in his 20's, fairly sure that i was legislatively mandated to listen to dark fantasy). but in a world dominated by mindless hashtag rap, the consistently hilarious donald glover's alter ego childish gambino is taking off, and i'm happy to follow in his wake. i don't quite know what it is about his music that i enjoy so much - his stripped-down beats seem almost amateurish at times, and his aggressive steal-your-white-girlfriend lyrics seem at odds with his happy-go-lucky day job. maybe it's leftover loyalty from back during his derrick comedy days (i remember being frustrated by constant blank stare responses to my "girls are not to be TRUSTED.... by kevin" routine), or maybe it's the guy's ability to put lyrics out there that test the boundary of acceptable (wait... are you talking about MY girlfriend?) while still getting a chuckle out of me.

here's bonfire, and keep your ears peeled for camp, his latest expected this november.

childish gambino - bonfire

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