the glove compartment is inaccurately named

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

life tearing at the seams

i'm usually pretty 'up' on music. it's fairly rare for an an up and coming artist to evade my attention for a prolonged period of time, and there have been a few bands i've been particularly proud of getting to well earlier than most people - i beat the pitchfork crowd to tennis by a significant chunk of time, and caught on to sleigh bells even before eye weekly picked them up. the upshot of this level of attention? every once in a blue moon, i get to have one of those absolute asshole moments where i get to tell somebody 'oh, yeah, them? they're pretty good. the EP was better though'. it's like being a hipster for 30 seconds.

that, and i get to have lots of awesome music. i'll let you judge which is the real win.

from time to time, though, i will completely miss the boat on a band, and i couldn't have done so more thoroughly than with the naked and famous. mgmt's success with Oracular Spectacular in 2007 spawned a wide variety of copycat sounds, and they arguably fit in that mold, but with one exception - these kids are good. by this point you are likely well aware of their first single Young Blood, but for posterity, here it is.

the naked and famous - young blood

if Young Blood is to mgmt's Time to Pretend, Punching in a Dream is Kids - a little harder-hitting, but no less catchy.

the naked and famous - punching in a dream

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