the glove compartment is inaccurately named

Thursday, December 16, 2010

let's fall asleep together

law school is going to put me in an early grave.

but in the meantime, there's teen daze. i've seen a lot of this kind of lo-fi, muted subpop floating around recently, but this is most certainly the best of the crop. it's interesting to note that the canadian producer seems to be something of a creation of webernet 2.0 culture; not so much an artist as a 'project', with guest artists filing in and out and tracks released haphazardly through a lowly tumblr account. the sound is varied from track to track with different influences and instruments. but there's still a sense of cohesion, if more in the themes than anything else; the rose-covered vision of the 80's; the last beach weekend of the summer; the sunday hangover. it's enough to grant you a respite from the abyss that is so innocuously called 'the law', if even for a brief time.

teen daze - let's fall asleep together

teen daze - neon

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