the glove compartment is inaccurately named

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

it's sensible

so i went away for a weekend, and apparently everybody has decided without me that foster the people have delivered the song of the summer. it has the words 'kicks' in it and sounds appropriately lazy for a summer song and has a bassline and everybody is cool with that.

what the heck, you guys?

if you had all had the decency to ask my opinion on this - i got opinions - i would have steered you firmly in the direction of metronomy's The English Riviera. i've been over at loose lips more often now that baby brother is writing for them, and mik's given it a glowing review, which is good enough for me. it's doing to the summer of 2011 what Oracular Spectacular did to 2008; giving just enough dance pop and tempo to make a sunday barbecue work, but leaving you with a somewhat darker undertone that, after everybody's gone home, will have you staring at an unattended pool noodle as it lackadaisically traverses an empty pool at dusk, wondering how the fuck you ended up here.

metronomy - the bay

metronomy - loving arm

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