the glove compartment is inaccurately named

Sunday, August 7, 2011

for when you're going off the rails

let's get right to it children.

the vaccines are probably the best solid rock band i've heard out of the great british isles since the arctic monkeys happened back in say, 2007ish? (sure they are probably still around but really now). they formed in 2010, and they are from london, which is always a good thing, and they have only made one album so far and it is called what did you expect from the vaccines and it is great rock music. post break up sex is one of those honest songs about how sex and love and relationships really work and how they usually get fucked up, and also i like the music that is in it too. do yourself a big favour and pick up this album, while you still have a few summer weekends left to squander drunk on somebody's balcony somewhere.

the vaccines - post break-up sex

the vaccines -wreckin' bar

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