the glove compartment is inaccurately named

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

next to a family portrait drawn when you were four

yes, it has been put front and centre in a mediocre rom-com featuring the most glaring age gap in recent film history, and yes, i am very late getting it on here, but the middle east's blood is still a lovely, lovely song with a hook that you will end up humming under your breath for a time. and while we're on the topic, the recordings of the middle east is quite the delightful collection - a little experimental and a little ambient and a little indie folk, it's the perfect album to put on in the background and read, or play board games, or whatever it is that you like to do during your quiet-time. take the time to listen to soaring closer tsietsi - it takes some nerve to re-introduce vocals after a 5-minute violin solo, but it's done gracefully here. months you'll find on their debut studio album, titled i want that you are always happy, and is also worth a proper listen.

and then shed a tear, because sadly they have decide to retire gracefully as of just a week ago. shame shame shame.

the middle east - blood

the middle east - months

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